Oral Health Tips and Tricks on Dental Sealants
If you wish to further guard your teeth against the damages of dental erosion, a dental sealant treatment may be required. Dental sealants consist of thin coating painted across the chewing surfaces of teeth as an added layer of protection designed to protect teeth from harmful acids and food debris that can erode your teeth.
In order to protect the teeth of children, it is important to place dental sealants as soon as their first molars begin to grow in because molars are highly susceptible to dental erosion, sealants can be placed and help protect teeth from the risk of cavities. Studies have been done to show that children are three times less likely to suffer from cavities on protected teeth.
A single sealant is extremely durable and can easily last up to 10 years of protection for your teeth. When applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth, there are no concerns about them changing the appearance of your smile as dental sealants go on clear to allow the natural look of your smile to continue as intended.
A single dental sealant can lower your risk of tooth decay in a single tooth by as much as 80%. This can be extremely effective when applied to your entire smile. Because your premolars and molars are the most susceptible to dental damage via erosion, it is the best place for dental sealants to be placed. Although your tooth enamel is strong, acids can chew through it if dental sealants are not in place.
Never get yourself down due to your poor oral hygiene without first visiting with us to discuss your dental sealants with Dr. Ben Taylor and the rest of our team at First Care Dental; you can make an appointment at our dentist’s office in Louisville, Kentucky. To get in touch with our team, our phone number is 502-893-5677